One-on-One Mentoring

There is a group of young people, mostly teenage boys, who are experiencing trauma and disconnection at the locus of the child protection, criminal justice, mental health and disability systems. Floating Axe will provide customised therapeutic, forensic and systemic mentoring and consultancy services for young people.

Motivational interviewing has a strong evidence base for working with treatment resistant, complex and ambivalent clients. An equally compelling evidence base around mentoring approaches to improving lifestyle, employment and health outcomes for young people. The Amp shop will combine these approaches with creative production and interest-based projects in an environment that literally activates young people, inviting them to pick up a tool, a brush or and instrument.

I’ve summarised these modalities into 3 practical stages:

Engage: finding the skills and interests that make up who each of us are
Understand: taking the time to really appreciate each aspect a young persons unique point of view and experience
Activate: doing with, not for; making something that matters

Team Work

Time spend together building on towards a strong team culture pays dividends. Floating Axe can deliver a provocative program of resources and material in different ways that start a conversation about caring as a professional. 

In Out Of Home Care, Disability and other caring environments are tricky to maintain, like holding an ice cube in your hand. Team Leaders and Management understand this - I can help you achieve this.


I can help you define, quantify and fix problems.

It’s not always about the individual (if fact hardly every). Systemic, Therapeutic and Forensic issues almost always require a combination of listening and evoking change. I can do that.

I can also put together assessments, reviews, music, specific resources and vocational training to support your creative engagement.

Let me know what you’ve got in mind.